Minecraft: Education Edition in Austin ISD

minecraft cowThe education version of the popular Minecraft game is available to all Austin ISD students and staff. With support from Minecraft Education, this software is being used across the world to support computer science, creative problem-solving, STEM curriculum and student voice through building models of learning products and more.

Parent Information Guide (shared by Cobb County School District)

Teacher training available in BLEND: bit.ly/aisdminecraft 


challenge build logo2022 Net Zero Challenge: Austin 

Youth Visions for a More Sustainable City 

Challenge Overview & Goals

Working with the C40, Minecraft Education invited 3 cities from around the world to participate in a Minecraft Build Challenge to provide young people opportunity to create more sustainable cities. Austin Independent School District, in partnership with Minecraft: Education Edition, held a city-wide build challenge, providing students with the opportunity to address local sustainability and climate issues.

The construction challenge begins: April 11.


The goals of the challenge were to:

  • Educate everyone on actions they can take to combat the climate crisis​
  • Engage urban youth in designing and building solutions for climate resilience and action​
  • Celebrate student success and give students a platform to showcase their ideas


Over 50 student videos were submitted and nine team finalists were announced May 25. Congratulations to our student finalist teams!! 


The Top Four Team Finalists

  • Top Submission from Secondary Schools:
    Kealing Middle School’s Team Carbon-Eating Bats
  • First Place Elementary:
    Zilker Elementary’s Team The Green Builders
  • Second Place Elementary:
    Doss Elementary’s Team W. P. M. P.
  • Third Place Elementary:
    Govalle Elementary’s Team Govalle Roadies

Other Challenge Team Finalists

  • Baldwin Elementary’s Team Dynamite
  • Baranoff Elementary’s Team Rodriguez Girls
  • Clayton Elementary’s Team Devesh Greenflower Town
  • Highland Park Elementary’s Team Net 04 Miles
  • Hill Elementary’s Team Team_Nature


Net Zero Challenge: Austin - Launch Video

This is a recording of the Live Launch Webinar from April 11, 2022. Minecraft Education produces 'build challenges' like this one throughout the year.  (See Minecraft Education's website.) All students need is their Austin ISD Minecraft: Education Edition accounts to join the challenges.

Support Pages

These pages can be found in the left menu on each page.

go to the Plan and Build page

This page provides additional sustainability research support and some support for using Minecraft: Education Edition.


go to video and submit support page

Student teams created a 2-minute video to explain their vision for the future of Austin. Support for creating the video and using Google Drive to share the video with their teacher are on this page. 

Support For Staff

Staff can self-enroll into the BLEND training and resource course for Minecraft, http://bit.ly/aisdminecraft .  



Minecraft Education logo


How to export your Screencastify video as MP4: YouTube video