
Students see history come alive in East Austin Crawl, Huston-Tillotson University Tour (En español)

Black History Month has officially kicked off at Austin ISD with the raising of the Pan-African Flag.

First athletic field to kick off construction this spring, full construction schedule released (En español)

Ahead of football’s biggest game this weekend, we have some big news from the 2022 Bond as we lay the groundwork for the future of athletics in Austin ISD.  LBJ and Northeast early college college high schools will be the first of many fields to be…

Introducing Early Bird Pre-K 

Introducing Early Bird Pre-K (En español)

Early birds get the worm, or in this case, a spot in the brand new Austin ISD Pre-K4 lottery.  Why it matters: Historically, Austin ISD hasn’t opened up Pre-K until April 1 because of state regulations on free Pre-K eligibility. But this year, we’…

Share your thoughts on streamlining magnet transportation (En español)

Austin ISD is exploring ways to maintain transportation services for our magnet schools while addressing financial challenges. Why it matters: Austin ISD is committed to providing accessible transportation to all families.  A $92M budget deficit…

Board Bulletin: Pease partnership approved, trustees receive legislative update (En español)

We’re back this week with the Board Bulletin, your one-stop-shop for updates following the Board of Trustees meeting. 

Board Banner Image

A Message from the Austin ISD Board of Trustees: Officer Transitions and Reflections

Dear Austin ISD community, Please join us in welcoming two new trustees to our board and recognizing our new board officers. This is a time with great opportunities and great challenges in our community, and our newly configured board is as committed as ever…

H-E-B surprises two Austin ISD teachers as finalist for 2025 Excellence in Education Awards (En español)

Educators from Bertha Sadler Means Young Women’s Leadership Academy and Lively Middle School will represent Austin ISD in the statewide H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards this spring, which honors outstanding school professionals.  Why it matters:…

‘National Report Card’ shows Austin ISD students returning to pre-pandemic levels (En español)

Austin ISD student scores are higher than state, peer-districts, national charter students and the nationwide average, according to the latest testing cycle of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.  Why it matters: Schools nationwide…

Bryker Woods becomes first elementary IB school in Austin ISD (En español)

Before we dive in, have you ever heard of an International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program Campus? I didn’t know much about it at first, but let me share what I’ve learned. An International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program campus…

Congratulations to our 2025 Teachers of the Year and Teachers of Promise (En español)

(Española abajo) We're excited to announce the 2025 Campus Teachers of the Year and Teachers of Promise! Each year, our campus staff get together to vote for one of their teammates as their Campus Teacher of the Year. Campus Teachers of the Year…

Superintendent Matias Segura Headshot

A message from Superintendent Segura on immigration and student support (en español)

Dear Austin ISD families,  Providing a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment is one of our most important responsibilities. All students and their families are a valued part of our Austin ISD community and our diversity strengthens and…

New food pantry at Galindo Elementary School provides access to healthy food for all Austin ISD families (En español)

On Tuesday, Austin ISD celebrated the ribbon cutting of a new food pantry at Galindo Elementary, thanks to a partnership with the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB). Why it matters: One in five kids in Travis County don’t know where their next meal is…