Through the Austin ISD Portal, families and staff can access helpful resources, individual information and important applications all in one place.

Please select one of the dropdowns below to learn more.

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Family Access

Families of Austin ISD students can enter the portal to access their student's grades, attendance, school and staff contact information, bus routes, lunch information and much more.

Some of the applications that can be accessed included:

  • Frontline Self-Serve - Update student information, view report cards and more
  • Enroll Austin - Register students and upload registration documents
  • BLEND (Canvas) - View assignments, due dates, course materials and more

Please see below for helpful resources and information on how to navigate the Austin ISD Portal.

How do I access the AISD Portal?

You can use your phone, tablet or computer to access the portal. Google Chrome is the ideal browser to navigate the portal. You can find the portal by visiting the following link:

Please note: 

For new parents: Upon completing registration for your child/children in Enroll Austin, you will receive an email regarding your portal account.

For additional assistance, please contact the AISD Help Desk.

Student Access

As a student you have access to the Austin ISD Student Portal at school and at home. Students, parents and staff all access their Portal the same way: by typing in the browser's address bar. Ask your teacher for your username and password.

Once you are in the Portal, you have access to educational applications that you may need for a successful learning experience both inside and outside of the classroom such as:

  • Google Drive Workspace
  • Google email - for secondary students
  • Supplemental tutorials and guides
  • BLEND (Canvas) - online coursework for 3rd-12th grade students
  • Access your grades and set grade notifications

We encourage you to explore the Student Portal on your own. There are many resources within the Portal that can expand your classroom experience!

How to Check Grades and Assignments

Remember to check Frontline Student Self-Serve for your official grades.

Frontline Student Self-Serve icon






Staff Access

Within the Portal staff can access email, files, training and submit an AISD Help ticket. There are numerous applications available to support staff with day-to-day operations. Some of these include:

  • Enterprise Resource Planning and Student Information System (ERP & SIS)
  • Human Capital Platform (HCP)
  • Google Drive
  • AISD Help

Please note that some applications may not be accessible depending on your role.

Please see below for helpful resources and information on how to navigate the Austin ISD Portal.

How do I access the AISD Portal?

You can use your phone, tablet or computer to access the portal. You can find the portal by visiting the following link:


For additional assistance, please submit an AISD Help ticket.

Frontline Self-Serve

Frontline Self-Serve allows families to view their student’s schedule, attendance and grades. 

Please see below for some helpful information and resources you can use while navigating Frontline Self-Serve

How Do I Access Self-Serve?

Families must first log into the AISD Portal ( and then select the Frontline Self-Serve tile on the dashboard. 


Self-Serve Instructions:



BLEND, also known as Canvas, offers a secure point of access for blended learning. With BLEND (Canvas), families can support student learning by providing a view of assignments, due dates, communication with instructors and more.

To learn more, visit the following link: An Introduction to BLEND.