

The AISD Board of Trustees wants to hear from you. Please take a minute to learn how to share your comments and opinions directly with the trustees before they vote on important issues.

The board votes on items at its Regular Board Voting Meetings, usually scheduled for the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. Board meetings are streamed live on YouTube, AISD.TV and the district's website.

Share your comments and opinions directly with the AISD trustees through any of these channels:

  1. General Public comment will take place during Board Information Sessions and Public Testimony will be offered any time agenda items are scheduled for action or for discussion with possible action. This typically takes place during Regular Board Voting Meetings the fourth Thursday of the month; however, items may be scheduled for action or for discussion with possible action during any voting meeting.  Learn more about providing Public Comment or Testimony on the board meetings webpage.
  2. Send the board an e-mail to
  3. Fill out the form below and the board will automatically get your comments after you submit.

Review agenda items with detailed information about the scheduled actions. The public may only address agenda items scheduled for board action during public testimony. This includes consent agenda items, items for a separate vote and items scheduled for a public hearing. You may also provide remarks related to items categorized under “Student Achievement and Scorecard Goals” on the Board agenda. Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the start of the scheduled meeting. Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the start of the scheduled meeting.

Send the Board Your Comments and Opinions

Please tell us about yourself
I am a:
Your comments
Enter the option that best describes your comments:

(Click here to view Board Policy)

(Click here to view Board Agendas)

What is your opinion about the above topic?
 Click on the option that best describes your opinion.