Earth Week 2024
We’ll be promoting activities all week, feel free to use these themes or make up your own. Show what you’re doing on these days of the week on Twitter and Instagram @AustinISDGreen, and use #AISDGreen.

EcoRise Environmental Justice Curriculum
EcoRise’s Introduction to Environmental Justice curriculum uses a social-emotional learning lens with engaging multi-session lessons. Lessons differentiated for elementary, middle, and high school students guide them to investigate how environmental racism impacts communities at interpersonal and systemic levels. The lessons are FREE to AISD teachers. Teachers can enroll here.

EcoRise Environmental Justice Hero Posters
Turn your classroom or home into a space that facilitates exploration of Environmental Justice Heroes with this illustrated and inspirational 13 poster series, available in English and Spanish. Students can then envision themselves as EJ heroes by reflecting on the actions they take for the environment. There is a gallery walk activity included at the end.

Become an Austin Green Business Leader, Learn About the Benefits of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) for Your Business
Did you know? Environmental justice goes hand in hand with social justice, and the business community is taking notice. Both investors and consumers are becoming more conscious of the impact companies can have on the community. The AISD Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program addresses Social and Governance factors by promoting investment in the local community by who we do business with. Service providers, learn more about Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), HUB outreach events, and become an Austin Green Business Leader.

Talk about Climate Change
Feel like the weight of Planet Earth is on your shoulders? Big topics like climate change can feel scary, but it is true that every action you take really matters. Check out these tips for talking to kids about climate change, made for parents by parents.

Explore climate, equity, & environmental education in your area with Gen:Thrive
Check out new tools from Gen:Thrive to enhance a student project or serve as a tool for partner organizations to serve our schools and communities. View the story map, and start using their interactive map and other tools to see what the date reveals about climate justice in your area.

What is ecotherapy?
Ecotherapy, also referred to as green therapy or nature therapy, integrates nature and outdoor activities with mental health counseling and interventions. Check out these resources that support equity and social justice and integrate elements of nature.
Diversify Outdoors | Urban Roots - Austin | Equity Outdoors - Austin | Outdoor Afro
Latino Outdoors | Natives Outdoors | Avarna Group | Equine Therapy | Texas ecotherapy collective | Of the Earth Healing

Land Acknowledgements!
A land acknowledgement can be a powerful practice to honor the original stewards of our land and show respect and learn more about Indigenous people’s history and culture. Examining your own relationship to the land we live and teach on brings an opportunity to learn about the relationship the local indigenous communities had and have with the land.These resources can help: Beetles Territorial Acknowledgements | The Avarna Group Resources.