Earth Week 2024
We’ll be promoting activities all week, feel free to use these themes or make up your own. Show what you’re doing on these days of the week on Twitter @AustinISDGreen, #AISDGreen and Instagram #aisdgreen #austinisdgreen.

For Our Health: Air Quality Awareness, Justice, and Action (Webinar)
On Tuesday, April 23rd at 2 pm CT, join the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC) for a webinar on air-quality awareness and action. Learn about the links between air quality and student health from UT researcher Dr. Pawel Misztal. Leave with concrete action steps for families and schools to keep kids healthy and improve local air quality. Register now to receive the zoom link.
Explore the environment by bike with Ghisallo!
During Earth Week 2023, share this short 6-10 minute bike safey skills presentation from Ghisallo Cycling Initiative. The presentation includes helmet fit, road safety, hand signals, and navigation skills to prepare students for riding. No lesson planning is needed and it can be incorporated during homeroom, PE class, or during an assembly.
Did you know?
The Austin ISD Transportation Department is committed to providing safe, reliable and professional service for our students, while always aiming to be as environmentally friendly as possible! We have purchased 3 Electric School Buses, which should arrive in late 2023. We will pilot these buses to see how to best implement a plan for more electric school buses in the future. The District has a resolution to have a 100% Electric School Bus fleet by 2035 and this is the first step towards that goal! Don’t want to wait? Take a ride on one of the Capital Metro Electric Buses - ages 18 & under ride FREE!
Protect young lungs
Help reduce harmful emissions and protect young lungs with a no-idling campaign at your school! Use these brochures in English and Spanish and these On Air Green Schools Alliance Resources to remind folks to turn the key and be idle-fee!

Reduce your home's carbon footprint
Calculate your household carbon footprint to identify opportunities to reduce emissions at home. Many of our daily activities - such as driving a car, using electricity, or disposing of waste - cause greenhouse gas emissions. Together these emissions make up a household's carbon footprint.

Take a fitness break!
Take a fitness break with your favorite pro athlete. Play one-on-one with basketball star, Jewell Lloyd; show off your quick feet with soccer pro, Em Boateng, and more! Find even more activities.