Gifted and Talented Transfers

GT Services within Austin ISD

  1. Austin ISD students identified as GT or Talent Explore will remain in the program even if they change schools within the district.
  2. No additional documentation or action needed.

Returning to Austin ISD after leaving the district

  1. The parent/guardian must contact the front office of the school to request the contact information for the campus GT Advocate to have the student reinstated by the district. 
  2. Additional documentation may be required.

Requesting GT status in Austin ISD from out-of-district

  1. Students must be enrolled in Austin ISD. This process is only available to students identified as GT in school districts outside of Austin ISD.
  2. Parents/guardians will complete the Out-of-District Transfer Review Form
  3. The campus will request the required student records that document previous GT identification before the review can begin.
  4. The student’s GT placement decision will be sent to the parent and campus GT Advocate via email after the review of student records is completed.