
Austin ISD releases plan for virtual learning (En Español)
Austin ISD is ready to start in-person learning on August 17, and now there’s a K–6 virtual option available for families as well.

CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Masks Indoors
On Tuesday, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their guidelines, recommending masks for all individuals indoors regardless of vaccination status.

COVID-19 protocols for the new school year (En Español)
We’re releasing an overview of our health and safety protocols for the new school year. You can view the entire document below. As conditions continue to change, we will be updating our protocols. We’re committed to providing a safe and healthy environment…

School Set To Start Aug. 17, District Encourages Vaccinations (En español)
Health officials announced the area is moving into Stage 3 of COVID-19 risk guidelines. This still allows Austin ISD to open in person, as planned, on Aug. 17 and to get ready, we’re launching new FAQs to get our community up to speed.

Let’s Talk Question of the Week (En español)
Question: Will Austin ISD require masks and/or offer a virtual learning option in response to recent news about new variant strains?

Austin ISD all-in on in-class in 2021-22 (En español)
With COVID cases at a record low, Austin ISD plans to return all students to on-campus learning for the 2021-22 school year, with no virtual learning option.

The Importance of Early Childhood Education (Video)
Join us for a conversation with the principal of Uphaus Early Childhood Center, Dr. Claudia Santamaria, to learn more about our Pre-K programs and enrollment efforts, as Austin ISD kicks off our Operation Reconnect enrollment clinics. Enroll now online…