Rent the PAC

Starting July 1, 2024, all non-Fine Arts AISD events at the PAC will have to provide a supplemental code to the PAC Coordinator two weeks in advance to host an event. This code will be used to cover expenses for technicians, custodial overtime, and any necessary security.

The Austin ISD Performing Arts Center is closed on Sundays.

Facility Use Overview

Board Policy GKD (Local) permits public use of school facilities by non-school groups for educational, recreational, civic, or social activities, when these activities do not conflict with school use or Board Policy. Non-school groups are organizations other than school-sponsored groups (e.g., student clubs, school teams) and school support groups (e.g., PTAs, booster clubs).

Please note that as of January 1, 2022, the district will be utilizing Facilitron to process all facility use requests. Facilitron is an online facilities management platform and marketplace that streamlines facility scheduling and the rental request process.

If you have any questions on creating an account or how to submit a request, Facilitron provides 24/7 customer support and can be reached by calling them at 800-272-2962, by email at, or through online chat. Facilitron also has an online support site with articles and videos as additional training resources: Renter Solutions.

Submit a Request

Renting the PAC

The Austin ISD Performing Arts Center is available for rent by both Austin ISD groups and the general public. When scheduling the PAC, the priority is as follows:

  • May 1: Austin ISD Fine Arts programs may submit requests for the facility
  • June 1: Other Austin ISD programs, groups, and stakeholders may submit requests for the facility
  • July 1: The general public may submit requests for the facility

The Austin ISD Performing Arts Center does not have a food event permit and we do not accommodate banquets, weddings, funerals, or birthday events. All such requests will be denied.

  • Organizations requesting use of school facilities must submit a request via Facilitron three (3) weeks prior to the date of the event to the school principal or designee for approval and signature.
  • The following requirements for organizers and individuals involved in temporary food service operations in Austin and Travis County:
    • An AISD Food Services employee must be present if AISD kitchens are used.
    • If any food not prepared in an AISD kitchen will be served, a temporary food event permit must be obtained from Austin Public Health (application below).
      The AISD-Sponsored Temporary Food Event Permit application must be submitted directly to Austin Public Health via email at
      For large events, it may be necessary for the event organizer to meet one (1) month prior to the event to properly plan food and sanitation facilities.
  • Complete and submit the Temporary Food Event Information Form.
  • Principal approves or disapproves the request and forwards the application to the Department of Planning and Asset Management.
  • Principal makes custodian, utility and other arrangements necessary to support the facility use request.
  • The Department of Planning and Asset Management sends the applicant notification of the approval or disapproval of the facility use request via Facilitron. The organization will then be prompted to provide payment due to cover the cost of the event and upload their insurance documents. Current AISD insurance requirements can be found in Facilitron
  • Policy requires all building/custodial fees be collected in advance so the AISD budget is not negatively affected.
  • In making this application, it is understood and agreed that the Rules and Regulations Governing the Use and Rental of School Facilities as adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Austin Independent School District be adhered to in every instance. A complete copy of these Rules and Regulations is available in the Department of Planning and Asset Management, or online under Board Policy GKD. 

    Pertinent excerpts read as follows: 

  • The applicant must not make firm plans, advertise activities, or sell tickets to an event prior to receiving written approval from the Department of Planning and Asset Management for the use of school facilities. 

  • Indemnification: Austin ISD shall not be responsible for any accidents arising out of the contractor’s operations. Contractor shall be fully responsible for the safety of its operations and its employees, clients, visitors and others associated with its activities. To the fullest extent allowed by law, contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold AISD, its directors and employees harmless from any and all claims, judgments causes of action, costs, and expenses resulting from injury to or death of any person or damage to any property, to the extent caused by the negligent actions or omissions or willful misconduct of contractor’s agents, servants, employees, subcontractors or suppliers in connection with the program. 

  • Damage to or misuse of the facilities and equipment of the District will be paid for in full by the organization that submitted the application for use of the facility.

  • Applicants must provide proof of insurance in accordance with Insurance Guidelines for Non-AISD Entities

  • All written material over which the school does not exercise control and that is intended for distribution on school property or that involves the use of school facilities shall be submitted for prior review according to the procedures outlined in Board Policy GKDA (Local). Such materials must state clearly that the event(s) is in no way sponsored or supported by either AISD or the facility at which the event(s) is held. 
    AISD will make facilities accessible in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The following provisions will govern cancellation: 

  • Facility use approvals may be canceled at any time there is evidence that Board policies or the COVID-19 Partner Guidelines are being violated. In case of cancellation, the Board assumes no liability other than return of fees charged for unused facilities. 
  • Principals will give at least one-week notice if a previously approved facility use agreement must be canceled or postponed due to an unexpected conflict with a school-sponsored activity. 
  • Applicants must give written notice of cancellation via Facilitron at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled activity. Applicants who fail to give notice shall be responsible for costs incurred by the district.

Forms & Guidelines

Contact Us

Brad Distelhorst, Performing Arts Center Coordinator