A third-party assessment of special education services in Austin ISD will be presented to the Board of Trustees at its Special Board Information Session tonight.
The report, created over months of analysis by Stetson and Associations, outlines the opportunities and challenges within the special education services and a path forward to ensure students can be served adequately.
Highlights of the report include:
- There are approximately 9,998 students with disabilities in Austin ISD, or 13.3% of the total student population.
- The district is adequately staffed to support the special education population.
- The student with a disability-to-special education teacher ratio for Austin ISD (1:13.2) is lower than the state (1:14.3) and region (1:14.8). It is also lower than five of the six comparison districts.
- Austin ISD spends more per student with a disability ($2,167) than all six comparison districts and more than $1000 over the state average ($1,100).
- The performance of students with disabilities in Austin ISD did not meet minimum state standards for STAAR 3-8 in all subject areas nor did they meet minimum state standards for End Of Course passing rates in all four subject areas.
- The district has not met the minimum standards for students with disabilities in any of the four years reported.
Results from the assessment will be used to create a strategic plan for Special Education Services in Austin ISD.
Background: The Special Education report conducted by Stetson and Associates began during the 2019-2020 school year and concluded this Spring. The third-party analysis was developed with input from campus staff, parents and community stakeholders, as well as the Office of School Leadership and the Special Education Department. The report includes demographic information, comparison findings, results from parent, administrative, and staff surveys, classroom observations, and staff interviews.