AISD Seeks Community Input at Public Hearing Regarding Utilization of Surplus Bond Program Contingency Funds

Austin, TexasMembers of the public will have an opportunity to address Austin ISD's Board of Trustees and provide feedback at a public hearing on possible board action regarding the utilization of surplus Bond Program contingency funds.

What:  Parents and community members sharing feedback on potential board action regarding the utilization of 2004 and 2008 surplus Bond Program contingency funds.

When:  6:40 p.m., Monday, Jan. 14

Where: AISD, Carruth Administration Center, Board Auditorium, 1111 W. Sixth St.

Background: Surplus contingency funds are funds remaining from approved and completed Bond Program projects. The administration is considering reallocating approximately $7.1 million of these remaining funds.

Speakers may sign-up beginning at 7:45 a.m. Monday, Jan. 14, at AISD's Carruth Administration Center, superintendent's office. Individuals must sign-up only for themselves and may not yield time to others. Each speaker will be provided two minutes to share their input.

For more information, please contact AISD's operations team at 414-9732.