Austin Partners in Education Volunteer Spotlight: Kay Alderman

Kay Alderman has dedicated most of her life to education. She began her teaching career in Houston at Jackson Junior High School.

With 18 years of teaching, she expanded her career to higher education and became a professor at Northeastern Illinois University and the University of Akron.

After 27 years as a devoted teacher, she retired in 2006 and has been an Austin Partners in Education Classroom Coach for the past six years.

Q&A With Kay Alderman:

What is your favorite part about volunteering?
Helping the students to engage in and enjoy reading. The students are eager to take their turns in reading each story.

How has education played a role in your own life and career?
Education has been so important in my life and career. Although the quality of my high school was lacking, what I got was still important. It enabled me to go to college, and then pursue an advanced degree. I have had a satisfying life with a feeling of accomplishment.

Would APIE have benefited you as a student?
I enjoyed school, and APIE activities would have added to that enjoyment and to what I learned in the classrooms.

What has been your proudest moment as an APIE volunteer?
Working with a student across the year and seeing his progress. At the beginning, he was very shy and reluctant to respond. As the year progressed, his responses increased. One story in particular seemed to make him more engaged. By the end of our year, he was fully engaged and asking very good questions.