Board of Trustees Approve School Improvement and Reconstitution Plans

This week, Austin ISD's Board of Trustees approved school improvement plans for Rodriguez Elementary School, Dobie, Garcia, Martin, and Pearce middle schools, Eastside Memorial, Lanier, LBJ, and Travis High Schools, Rosedale School and Travis County Day School.

Board members approved reconstitution plans for Garcia and Pearce Middle Schools, and LBJ High School.

For more information about the school improvement plans and reconstitution plans please visit the Board of Trustees website:


Approval of School Improvement Plans for Rodriguez Elementary School, Dobie, Garcia, Martin, and Pearce Middle Schools, Eastside Memorial High School, Lanier, LBJ and Travis High Schools, Rosedale School and Travis County Day School

Under the Texas Education Agency’s 2013 statewide campus ratings, 110 of the district’s 123 schools met the standard and 55 schools earned academic distinctions. However, 11 schools earned the rating of Improvement Required. For schools that receive this rating, state law requires the Campus Intervention Team assigned to each school to develop and implement an Improvement Plan, which must be submitted to TEA by Oct. 31. The plan must be approved by the board before it is submitted to TEA.

The plans, which were previously presented to the board at the board’s work session Oct. 14, were developed in collaboration with CITs and school leadership. They were presented to the Campus Advisory Council and school faculty for additional input and posted on the campus website. These plans were completed using a template provided by TEA, and, because of the strict format requirements, do not include all of the work going on at the schools.

By a unanimous vote, the board approved state-required reconstitution plans for Rodriguez Elementary School, Dobie, Garcia, Martin and Pearce middle schools, Eastside Memorial, Lanier, LBJ and Travis high schools, Rosedale and Travis County Day School.

Review the school improvement plans:

For more information, please visit the Board of Trustees website, which includes the agenda item and supporting documents.

Approval of Reconstitution Plans for Garcia and Pearce Middle Schools and LBJ High School — First Draft

In 2013, Garcia and Pearce middle schools and LBJ High School received a rating of Improvement Required. The three AISD schools did not meet state performance standards for a second consecutive year. As a result, state law requires that the Campus Intervention Team assigned to each school develop and implement a plan for reconstitution of the school. The draft reconstitution plans must be approved by the board and submitted to TEA by Oct. 31.

TEA requires the district to submit updated reconstitution plans in January 2014 and June 2014. While the updated plans will be submitted to the board as information items, TEA does not require that the board approve the updated plans. Even if the school meets state performance standards based on Spring 2014 performance results, reconstitution plans will be developed this school year and implemented during the 2014-15 school year. The draft reconstitution plans were shared with faculty and CAC and posted on the website of the respective schools.

By a vote of 7-2 (Trustees Mathias and Schneider opposed), the board approved the state-required reconstitution plans for Garcia and Pearce middle schools and LBJ High School.

Review the reconsititution plans:

For more information, please visit the Board of Trustees website, which includes the agenda item and supporting documents.