February 2022

Trustees to Discuss Mask-Optional Implementation at Wednesday Meeting (En Español)

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees will hold a special board meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd to discuss aligning our COVID protocols with new CDC guidelines. Ahead of that meeting, we're working with the city of Austin, Austin Public Health and Travis County to evaluate how and what to communicate when we implement a mask-optional protocol.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Hill Elementary School to host grand opening ceremony

Hill Elementary School will celebrate its new modernized campus on Tuesday, March 1.

As part of the 2017 Bond Program, Hill Elementary School received a new fourth-grade classroom wing, makerspaces, gym and renovated outdoor learning areas. While these spaces have been complete since Fall 2021, this ribbon-cutting will officially commemorate the modernization.

Hill Grand Opening

Tune  in  for  the  special  grand  opening  of  Hill  Elementary  School’s  recently-modernized  spaces, which includes classroom studios, a new gym, outdoor learning areas and more!

While students and teachers have been in the renovated spaces for several months, this celebration will officially commemorate the completion of Hill’s modernization as a part of the 2017 Bond Program.