Families of Middle School, High School Students to Get Grades Faster

Austin ISD's technology department has found a way to get report cards and progress reports to families of middle school and high school students more quickly. The district will be going digital on all report cards for secondary students this month for their third six-weeks report cards.

Of the approximately 23,000 secondary students overall, 9,292 students are already opting for digital report cards.

Receiving electronic copies also allows families to get the information four to five days faster. Progress reports for middle school and high school students will also be sent digitally, which can be crucial because it allows students more time to improve their grade before the next report card.

The idea to go digital came last year from the AISD technology department, which was looking at ways to expedite delivery of report cards.

The annual cost to print and mail progress reports and report cards to all secondary students is about $168,000. 

Many families of secondary students already receive report cards via e-mail only, so some of the savings have already been realized. 

The change to providing report cards digitally to all secondary students will realize about $100,000 more of the savings annually.

A trial was held at Bowie High School early last year, where families gave positive feedback. 

Parents and guardians without an email address will still receive a printed copy of the reports via mail, and elementary school students will still receive printed report cards.