Board Approves AISD’s Strategic Priorities for 2014-15 School Year

On Monday, Austin ISD’s Board of Trustees approved the district’s strategic priorities for the 2014-15 school year.  The priorities approved by the board are to: 

  1. Develop a plan to implement HB5 mandates to enhance graduation plan endorsements, including Career and Technical Education (CTE) related and other programming
  2. Expand social and emotional initiatives to provide behavioral health supports for all students consistent with our commitment to Whole Child, Every Child.
  3. Develop and implement a marketing campaign to improve community understanding of all of the good things that AISD offers and build pride and improve satisfaction among AISD's students, teachers, staff and families and increase enrollment.
  4. Research and develop professional pathways to recruit, develop, evaluate, compensate, and retain high quality teachers in AISD.
  5. Develop multi-faceted solutions to balance the budget and ensure future financial stability by considering both revenue alternatives such as a TRE and expenditure reductions.
  6. Implement district literacy plan to promote academic achievement and graduation rates for all student groups.
  7. Implement the Facility Master Plan and jumpstart the May 2013 bond program, pending resolution of the Travis County Taxpayers Union Lawsuit.

The Board of Trustees establishes strategic priorities on an annual basis. The strategic priorities in place for the 2013-14 school year including key initiatives to actualize each priority are as follows: Whole Child, Every Child; College-ready Culture; Rich Portfolio of Options; Human Capital; and Systems. 

At its Oct. 5 retreat, the board discussed its strategic priorities for the 2014-15 school year. The discussion explored, but was not limited to, budget, finance and asset optimization; math, science, and literacy; the academic performance of African American, Hispanic students, and economically disadvantaged students; closing the achievement gap; community partnerships; community engagement; Whole Child, Every Child; college and career readiness; student engagement; human capital; and marketing programs and school offerings.

At the end of the discussion, the following priorities emerged: college, career and life ready; Whole Child, Every Child; maximize every child's potential; maximize assets; financial integrity; human capital; and community engagement.

The priorities were informed by information for the FY2014-15 preliminary budget planning process. 

The board discussed the strategic priorities during a Nov. 11 and Dec. 2 work session.