Clifton Career Development Center to Host Disability Mentoring Day - October 19th

Renee Borders, a Hospitality Practicum II teacher at Clifton Career Development School and a transition specialist, will host the annual Disabilities Mentoring Day (DMD) on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. DMD is a program that allows students with disabilities to “shadow” local professionals in their workplaces.   

Eighteen students from Clifton Career Development School were selected to participate. Along with the job shadowing, there will be a reception held in the students’ honor. The event is being sponsored by the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities and various community partners. As a member of the Mayor’s committee, Mrs. Border participates in DMD by organizing the event and recruiting students, helping with mentor matching, and disseminating information to the community. DMD is open to both high school and college students.

Applications for next year are now being accepted. The application process for potential mentees consists of various questions related to employment experience and career goals. All participants must provide their own transportation.

For more information on Disabilities Mentor Day please visit, or contact Reene Borders at 414-6379.